Business Ideas

20 Real Ways to Make Money Quickly

Please note that the speed and availability of these methods may vary depending on your location and circumstances. It’s always essential to research and consider the requirements and risks associated with each option before proceeding.

How to Make Money Fast

1. Gig economy platforms

Sign up for platforms like Uber, Lyft, or DoorDash, where you can start earning money by offering ride-sharing or delivery services almost immediately.

2. Task apps

Consider using task-based apps like TaskRabbit or Gigwalk, which allow you to find quick, on-demand tasks in your local area. These can include anything from assembling furniture to running errands.

3. Recycling and selling scrap metal

Collecting and selling scrap metal, aluminum cans, or other recyclable materials can provide a relatively fast way to make money. Check local recycling centers in your area for options.

4. Renting out your belongings

Rent out items you already own but don’t frequently use, such as a camera, power tools, camping equipment, or party supplies. Platforms like Fat Llama or PeerRenters can help you connect with potential renters quickly.

5. Plasma donation

If you meet the necessary health requirements, donating plasma can provide compensation for your time. Plasma donation centers often compensate donors on the spot.

6. Participate in focus groups or research studies

Some companies or research organizations conduct focus groups or research studies and pay participants for their opinions or time. Look for opportunities locally or through online platforms like or

7. Odd jobs and manual labor

Offer your services for tasks like painting, cleaning, organizing, or moving. You can advertise your services on local classified websites or community bulletin boards.

8. Event staffing

Sign up with event staffing agencies or platforms that connect workers with short-term event opportunities such as bartending, serving, or promotional work.

9. Street performing or busking

If you have a talent for playing an instrument, singing, or performing, consider showcasing your skills in public spaces where you are allowed to busk. You can earn money through tips from passersby.

10. Rent out a room or space

If you have an extra room, consider renting it out on platforms like Airbnb for short-term stays. You can also rent out spaces for storage or as a venue for events or workshops.

11. Participate in paid clinical trials or medical studies

Some research organizations or pharmaceutical companies conduct paid clinical trials or medical studies. These studies often compensate participants for their time and participation.

12. Online freelancing

Offer your skills and services on freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. You can provide services such as graphic design, writing, programming, social media management, or virtual assistance.

13. Rent out your car

If you have a car that you don’t use all the time, consider renting it out through platforms like Turo or Getaround. This can be a quick way to earn money from your vehicle when you’re not using it.

14. Pet sitting or dog walking

If you enjoy spending time with animals, sign up for platforms like Rover or Wag to offer pet sitting or dog walking services. Many pet owners are willing to pay for reliable and trustworthy pet caregivers.

15. Rent out your space for storage

If you have extra storage space in your home, garage, or basement, you can rent it out to people who need temporary storage. Websites like Neighbor or StoreAtMyHouse can help you connect with potential renters.

16. Online surveys and microtasks

Participate in online surveys or complete microtasks on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk or Swagbucks. While these may not generate substantial income, they can offer a quick way to earn some extra cash in your spare time.

17. Sell unused or unwanted items

Declutter your space and sell unused or unwanted items through platforms like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. This can be a quick way to generate some cash and clear out clutter.

18. Tutoring or teaching

If you have expertise in a particular subject, offer tutoring services to students in your area or teach online through platforms like VIPKid or Teachable. Tutoring can be a rewarding way to share knowledge while earning money.

19. Mystery shopping

Sign up with a mystery shopping agency to evaluate and provide feedback on customer experiences at various stores or restaurants. You may be reimbursed for expenses and paid a fee for your time.

20. Offer services in your community

Determine what skills or services you can offer to your neighbors. This could include lawn mowing, snow shoveling, pet sitting, babysitting, house cleaning, or running errands. Advertise your services through word of mouth, local bulletin boards, or neighborhood social media groups.