
10 famous companies or products that have utilized crowdinvesting

Crowdinvestment, also known as crowdfunding or crowd financing, has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to raise capital for their projects or ventures. It allows people to contribute small amounts of money towards a larger funding goal, often through online platforms. This article will delve into some notable examples of crowdinvestment campaigns and explore how they have achieved remarkable success.

Oculus VR is a pioneering company in the virtual reality industry. In 2012, they launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the development of the Oculus Rift headset, a groundbreaking device that would revolutionize the gaming and entertainment industry. With the support of over 9,500 enthusiastic backers, Oculus VR raised an impressive $2.4 million, demonstrating the immense interest and demand for virtual reality technology.

Pebble Technology entered the market with its smartwatch in 2012, and they turned to Kickstarter to fund the production of their first-generation device. The campaign surpassed all expectations, raising over $10 million from the backers. This enormous response not only provided Pebble with the necessary funding to bring their smartwatch to market but also highlighted the growing demand for wearable technology.

Exploding Kittens, a card game created by The Oatmeal, made headlines in 2015 when it became the most-backed project in Kickstarter history. With a quirky and humorous theme, Exploding Kittens captured the imagination of over 219,000 backers, who collectively pledged over $8 million. This overwhelming support not only set a record but demonstrated how crowdinvestment can successfully fund creative and innovative projects.

Elio Motors sought to bring a fuel-efficient three-wheeled car to market, aiming to revolutionize the automotive industry. Through a Regulation A+ crowdfund offering, they were able to raise an impressive $17 million. This alternative fundraising method enabled Elio Motors to gather support from a diverse group of investors who believed in their vision for a more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle.

Bitvore, an artificial intelligence-driven software company, raised $4.5 million through equity crowdfunding platform SeedInvest in 2018. This form of crowdinvestment allowed Bitvore to access capital from a wider pool of investors and foster a sense of community and support for their innovative technology.

Star Citizen, an ambitious space trading and combat simulation video game, holds the distinction of being one of the highest-funded crowdinvesting projects ever. Since its inception, Star Citizen has raised over $275 million through crowdfunding, demonstrating the immense dedication and enthusiasm of its passionate community. The project’s success highlights the power of crowdinvestment in supporting the development of large-scale and ambitious ventures.

Coolest Cooler, a multifunction cooler with impressive features such as a built-in blender and Bluetooth speaker, captivated the Kickstarter community in 2014. The campaign raised over $13 million, establishing it as one of the most successful projects on the platform. Coolest Cooler’s innovative design, coupled with its practical functionality, resonated with consumers looking for a unique and useful product.

Anova Precision Cooker, a sous vide cooking device manufacturer, exceeded all expectations when it raised nearly $2 million on Kickstarter in 2014. The campaign surpassed its initial goal by over 10 times, demonstrating the strong market demand for precise and convenient cooking appliances. This significant achievement not only provided the necessary funds for Anova to bring their product to market but also helped them establish a loyal customer base.

Glowforge, a 3D laser printer manufacturer, utilized a combination of traditional venture capital funding and their own crowdfunding platform to raise $28 million. This unique approach allowed them to engage directly with their community and involve them in the development and growth of their business. Glowforge’s success demonstrates the power of combining traditional investment methods with crowdinvestment to achieve substantial funding goals.

Formlabs, a leading manufacturer of professional 3D printers, turned to Kickstarter in 2012 to raise funds for their first product, the Form 1. With a goal of $100,000, they surpassed expectations, raising an impressive $2.95 million. This achievement not only provided Formlabs with the necessary capital to bring their product to market but also showcased the widespread interest in 3D printing technology.

These examples highlight the power of crowdinvestment in transforming innovative ideas into reality. By harnessing the support of a large group of individuals, these companies were able to secure funding, generate publicity, and bring their products or projects to market successfully. Crowdinvestment has opened up new avenues for entrepreneurs and individuals to realize their visions, tapping into the collective power and enthusiasm of the crowd.